If you don’t see your question?

  • Goat milk has long been used in soap for it's fatty acids, vitamin B, and trace minerals. Goat milk contains high concentration of lactic acid, specifically Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA). AHA is incredible for exfoliating dead skin cells and supporting new cell growth. It’s gentle, non-abrasive, and does not strip the skin. The extra sugar in goat milk creates a beautiful creamy lather. All of these qualities make goat milk a fantastic addition to a bar of soap.

  • Orders are shipped same week, and many are shipped with 2-day shipping.

  • Yes! Our cold processed soap is safe for children to use. We follow proper guidelines and usage rates for all of our essential oils and fragrance oils. We also create many unscented options as well. The rest of our soap is made up of oils, butters, goat milk and sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide in soap no longer remains once it has saponified. As with any soap, caution should be taken in keeping out of the eyes. We take a lot of pride in sourcing our ingredients. Our soap was originally created to provide our own family and children a gentler alternative to commercially made soap.

  • We do not use palm oil in our products. Phoenix Farm has first hand experience working with Great Apes and conservation. With this in mind, our family is Palm oil free. There are some sustainable palm oil choices but we have decided to not promote it's use regardless, due to deforestation and the Endangered Orangutan habitat loss. We encourage all to learn more about the impact of palm oil and the catastrophic consequences associated with it. Click here to learn more.

  • It is each individual human’s responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint. Here at Phoenix Farm, we try and eliminate that trash all together by going label-free! If ever you should question what is in your product, all of our ingredients are easily found under each listing in the shop.

  • Please cut the botanicals off the top of your soap bar before use. Some can even be brushed of with a gentle rub. We do not recommend using a bar with the botanicals on, as you don't want them to go down your drain and cause a clog, or mold from getting wet.